الجمعة، 28 مايو 2010

Linux Networking Changing your default gateway

Changing your default gateway

Your server needs to have a single default gateway. DHCP servers will automatically assign a default gateway to DHCP configured NICs, but NICs with configured static IP addresses will need to have a manually configured default gateway. This can be done with a simple command. Here is the command.
[root@Basil15099/~# route add default gw wlan0-------------

In this case, make sure that the router/firewall with IP address is connected to the same network as interface wlan0!
Once done, you'll need to update your /etc/sysconfig/network file to reflect the change. This file is used to configure your default gateway each time Linux boots.

Can you find an alternative to editing the file /etc/sysconfig/network ?? Ah.. yes, we can put the above command in rc.local file as well so that gateway will be configured at the end of every reboot.

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