Please note that this is for advanced users that are familiar with SSH access and have a solid understand of its functionality and how cPanel works.
Backing up old accounts (old VPS):
You want to do the following now:
# cd /home/ (now that you're in home you want to do)
# ls (this will give you a long print out of usernames)
# /scripts/pkgacct username (you will make a big list which looks like, below: )
/scripts/pkgacct username1
/scripts/pkgacct username2
/scripts/pkgacct username3
/scripts/pkgacct username4
/scripts/pkgacct username5
/scripts/pkgacct username6
Once you have that list, just add "&&" on the end so it looks like this:
/scripts/pkgacct username1 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username2 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username3 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username4 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username5 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username6
So now you're able to copy / paste the above into your SSH window and cPanel will start the backup process. Once its completed, you will see it return to #, then you will want to do the following:
# tar –cvf user.tar.gz cpmove*
It will package all the newly backed up accounts and palace them into one single user.tar.gz
Moving this into your VPS (with VPSNext):
Now that you have it all backed up you now want to make a temp account on your new VPS, which you can do via your /whm. To do this is you want to go /whm >> Account Functions >> Create a new Account.
Once the account is created, you will be able to ftp into the account, so what you need to do is:
In the SSH (at your old host) do the following:
# ftp
# ftp> (this will show up)
# ftp> open (you want to open the connection to the IP)
# it will now prompt you for a username / password.
# ftp> put user.tar.gz
# ftp> (after its done) type exit
Now your content is on you're your new vps server, you can exit the shell on this account and you're all done.
SSH into your new VPS account, and do the following:
# cd /home/username-that-you-made/
# mv user.tar.gz /home/
# cd /home/
# tar –xvf user.tar.gz
now you can do the following which will you will be able to restore all the cPanel accounts back on your VPS.
/scripts/restorepkg username1 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username2 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username3 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username4 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username5 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username6
Congratulations, you're all done.
Backing up old accounts (old VPS):
You want to do the following now:
# cd /home/ (now that you're in home you want to do)
# ls (this will give you a long print out of usernames)
# /scripts/pkgacct username (you will make a big list which looks like, below: )
/scripts/pkgacct username1
/scripts/pkgacct username2
/scripts/pkgacct username3
/scripts/pkgacct username4
/scripts/pkgacct username5
/scripts/pkgacct username6
Once you have that list, just add "&&" on the end so it looks like this:
/scripts/pkgacct username1 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username2 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username3 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username4 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username5 &&
/scripts/pkgacct username6
So now you're able to copy / paste the above into your SSH window and cPanel will start the backup process. Once its completed, you will see it return to #, then you will want to do the following:
# tar –cvf user.tar.gz cpmove*
It will package all the newly backed up accounts and palace them into one single user.tar.gz
Moving this into your VPS (with VPSNext):
Now that you have it all backed up you now want to make a temp account on your new VPS, which you can do via your /whm. To do this is you want to go /whm >> Account Functions >> Create a new Account.
Once the account is created, you will be able to ftp into the account, so what you need to do is:
In the SSH (at your old host) do the following:
# ftp
# ftp> (this will show up)
# ftp> open (you want to open the connection to the IP)
# it will now prompt you for a username / password.
# ftp> put user.tar.gz
# ftp> (after its done) type exit
Now your content is on you're your new vps server, you can exit the shell on this account and you're all done.
SSH into your new VPS account, and do the following:
# cd /home/username-that-you-made/
# mv user.tar.gz /home/
# cd /home/
# tar –xvf user.tar.gz
now you can do the following which will you will be able to restore all the cPanel accounts back on your VPS.
/scripts/restorepkg username1 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username2 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username3 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username4 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username5 &&
/scripts/restorepkg username6
Congratulations, you're all done.
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